Segment-based Methods for Facial Attribute Detection from Partial Faces

By | 2018-08-17T14:05:11+00:00 January 13th, 2018|AI, NLP, Machine Learning, Emerging Tech - AR, Cloud, Blockchain|

State-of-the-art methods of attribute detection from faces (like those used in Appliqant) almost always assume the presence of a full, unoccluded face. Hence, their performance degrades for partially visible and occluded faces. This paper discusses the use of a deep […]

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Distributed Deep Reinforcement Learning: learn how to play Atari games in 21 minutes

By | 2018-01-16T20:02:33+00:00 January 3rd, 2018|AI, NLP, Machine Learning|

This paper presents a study in Distributed Deep Reinforcement Learning (DDRL) focused on scalability of a state-of-the-art Deep Reinforcement Learning algorithm known as Batch Asynchronous Advantage ActorCritic (BA3C). Using synchronous training on the node level (while keeping the local, single […]

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