Quantilus Rides to Fight MS

By | 2019-07-29T21:28:55+00:00 July 29th, 2019|News and Announcements, Uncategorized, Web Development, Marketing, SEO|Comments Off on Quantilus Rides to Fight MS

We are tremendously excited to announce that our CEO – Debarshi Chaudhury – will be participating in Bike MS, an epic fundraising ride that is changing the lives of people affected by Multiple Sclerosis and helping fuel progress toward a world free of MS.

Our goal—a world free of MS.

Bike MS is a fundraising ride that is changing the lives of people affected by MS and helping fuel progress toward a world free of MS. We’d love your support as we prepare for this incredible experience.

It will take training, preparation and ongoing commitment from hundreds of other people and thousands of cyclists all over the country. What will really put power in our pedals is your support and commitment to those impacted by MS. Every mile we ride brings us closer to our goal—a world free of MS.

Please support us today.

The money raised will help fund amazing progress in MS research, as well as services that ensure people affected by MS can live their best lives.

You can follow Debarshi’s ride and donate to the cause here: