NYMAGIC – Claims Analysis for Marine Insurance 2018-01-21T22:38:26+00:00

Project Description

NYMAGIC – Analysis of Claims Data for Marine Insurance Company

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The Purpose

Ohio State University wanted an analytics dashboard that would allow administrators and professors to look at student performance metrics based on digital assessments and drill down into specific dimensions and parameters of interest. All assessment data was moved into a central repository, and reports can be aggregated at the class, department or University level. Educators can also drill down into the performance of individual students and identify areas of improvement at a personalized level.

The Tech

We used SAP HANA’s advanced in-memory database technology to build the analytics platform. In-memory databases allow for extremely fast processing while also maintaining ACID compliance. The user interface was written using ReactJS – and offers a well-designed user experience with simple navigation and intuitive controls for accessing data and reports.