K Hovnanian Homebuilders – Website and Integration with Oracle ERP 2019-04-24T18:01:27+00:00

Project Description

K Hovnanian Homebuilders - Website and Integration with Oracle ERP

K Hovnanian Homebuilders – Website Development and Integration with Oracle ERP

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K Hovnanian Homebuilders - Website and Integration with Oracle ERP

The Purpose

K Hovnanian Homebuilders revamped their website to allow users to customize their prospective homes on the site. Users can select design packages, see how they look and price them out before making a decision. This offers home buyers a comprehensive and immersive experience – letting them get a feel for the house before they actually buy it. It also allows K Hov to test design packages and gather data on user preferences – providing invaluable analytics for product planning and inventory management.

K Hovnanian Homebuilders - Website and Integration with Oracle ERP

The Tech

The website is tightly integrated with K Hov’s Oracle ERP system – all availability and pricing data is fed in real-time from the ERP, and pricing calculations including discounts are also applied based on rules set in the ERP system. A CRM integration module also allows salespersons to track user behavior on the site, informing them of preferences and desires before the final negotiations and sales closings.

K Hovnanian Homebuilders - Website and Integration with Oracle ERP