Dormitory Authority of the State of NY – Centralized Content Management Repository 2018-01-21T23:03:36+00:00

Project Description

DASNY - Content Repository

Dormitory Authority of the State of NY – Centralized Content Management Repository

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DASNY - Content Repository

The Purpose

DASNY is among the nation’s largest issuers of low-cost, tax-exempt bonds and one of its biggest public builders. Quantilus implemented a centralized document repository for DASNY that helps them manage their huge corpus of content. The content was tagged, classified and stored to make it easily searchable and retrievable.

DASNY - Content Repository

The Tech

The system was built on Micrsoft’s Azure platform – using Sharepoint on the cloud as the primary content repository. Single-sign-on authentication was achieved by using Exchange 365. Using Sharepoint on Azure gives DASNY unlimited flexibility in scaling the size of their repository.

DASNY - Content Repository