DiscoverSimple HR – Mobile HR integrated with SAP ERP 2018-01-21T22:46:49+00:00

Project Description

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The Objective:

DiscoverSimple™ HR lets employees enter, submit, and track their own data within SAP. They can submit their timesheets, expense reports, leave requests, and appraisals, among others. SAP approval workflows are replicated in the app, with managers getting notifications and approving reports on the go. There are no individual user licenses. 100% of the workforce can connect, with no additional data entry systems or overhead.

DiscoverSimple HR - Mobile HR integrated with SAP ERP

The DiscoverSimple HR app is a cross platform app built using Xamarin and connecting to SAP ERP using SAP Gateway services.

Check out the App

It’s Simple:

Save Time. Increase Efficiency – Hate doing your expenses? You are not alone.

Quicker Invoicing. Better Cash Flows – Faster invoicing has a multiplier effect on the speed of payment, resulting in improved cash flows and reduced interest costs.

Convenience. Usability. Employee Retention – Employees can conveniently view compensation and benefits data on their phones, and change benefit plans where applicable.

Actionable Information. Real-time Reports – gain timely insights from reports on demand, and streamline the HR department’s tasks through fully integrated SAP functions.

DiscoverSimple HR - Mobile HR integrated with SAP ERP
DiscoverSimple HR - Mobile HR integrated with SAP ERP

The Tech:

  1. Robust multi-platform app built using Xamarin.
  2. Web app built and integrated into Google Apps for Business.
  3. All apps have a common backend connecting real-time to SAP ERP using SAP Gateway services.
  4. App showcased in SAPphire Now and TechEd by SAP Middleware team.