News and Blogs 2018-08-06T21:25:57+00:00
Quantilus News, Blogs and Tweets

News, Blogs and Research curated by our experts – making the world of software a little bit better!

Cross Platform Mobile Development Tools: Ending the iOS vs. Android Debate

July 10th, 2017|Categories: Mobile Development|Tags: , , |

Different cross platform mobile development tools have different specialties: some focus on gaming, some are focused on data security for business purposes, and others specialize in letting you use whatever programming language you like, so you (or your developer team) don’t have to learn new […]

Mobile Application Security: 15 Best Practices for App Developers

June 12th, 2017|Categories: Mobile Development|Tags: , |

Organizations developing apps, whether just for in-house use or for a wider consumer base have a lot of catching up to do to bring the level of security integrated within apps up to the high-caliber features available on the market today. 33% of organizations never test […]

DevOps in Mobile App Development – Best Practices

May 22nd, 2017|Categories: Mobile Development|Tags: , |

Mobile DevOps can change the game for organizations wishing to integrate IT, development, and operations with their business goals. That is why it is critical for mobile development groups to adopt effective mobile DevOps practices. Not only does this make them more productive in terms […]

Web Design Best Practices: Grab Attention With Minimalism

April 3rd, 2017|Categories: Web Development, Marketing, SEO|Tags: , |

Designers use hierarchy to express relationships and make content easier to understand. This piece explores the relationship between distance and attention, and explains how to use it to create an aesthetic design.

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