News and Blogs 2018-08-06T21:25:57+00:00
Quantilus News, Blogs and Tweets

News, Blogs and Research curated by our experts – making the world of software a little bit better!

Discovering Internet Marketing Intelligence through Online Analytical Web Usage Mining

January 2nd, 2018|Categories: Data Science and Analytics|Tags: , , , |

This paper explores innovative techniques for combining data mining techniques in order to discover actionable marketing intelligence for ecommerce sites. The techniques combine online analytical mining with web usage mining approaches in order to provide personalization, adaptation, customization, profiling, and recommendation data.

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Collective Intelligence

December 16th, 2017|Categories: AI, NLP, Machine Learning, Data Science and Analytics, Emerging Tech - AR, Cloud, Blockchain|Tags: , , |

As examples like Wikipedia, Google, and Linux illustrate, new information and communication technologies are now enabling dramatically new ways of connecting large numbers of people and computers to produce intelligent behavior. These new forms of “collective intelligence” are already having significant economic, social, and political […]

Conversational AI: The Science Behind the Alexa Prize

December 12th, 2017|Categories: AI, NLP, Machine Learning, Emerging Tech - AR, Cloud, Blockchain|Tags: , , |

Much work remains in the area of social conversation as well as free-form conversation over a broad range of domains and topics. To advance the state of the art in conversational AI, Amazon launched the Alexa Prize, a 2.5-million-dollar university competition where sixteen selected university […]

How Can We Harness Marketing Strategies to Stem the Epidemics of Obesity and Dietary-Related Chronic Diseases?

December 3rd, 2017|Categories: Web Development, Marketing, SEO|Tags: |

Given the epidemics of obesity and dietary-related chronic diseases, this paper argues that we need to do more research in food retail outlets by creating embedded consumer behavior laboratories. The point of purchase is a critical moment in consumer behavior. Frequently, in ways people cannot […]

On Evaluating and Comparing Conversational Agents

November 27th, 2017|Categories: AI, NLP, Machine Learning|Tags: , , |

The subjectivity associated with evaluating conversations is a key element underlying the challenge of building non-goal oriented dialogue systems. This paper proposes a comprehensive evaluation strategy with multiple metrics designed to reduce subjectivity by selecting metrics which correlate well with human judgement. To our knowledge, […]

How to Conduct Eyetracking Studies

October 16th, 2017|Categories: Web Development, Marketing, SEO|Tags: , , , , |

Eyetracking (ET) adds an extra dimension to user experience design. Watching what people are looking at adds a level of interest to usability studies. Following the eye at work makes you feel as though you are in the user’s head, thinking with him. If nothing […]

When to Use Which User-Experience Research Methods

August 16th, 2017|Categories: Web Development, Marketing, SEO|Tags: , , |

The field of user experience has a wide range of research methods available, ranging from tried-and-true methods such as lab-based usability studies to those that have been more recently developed, such as unmoderated online UX assessments. While it’s not realistic to use the full set of methods on […]

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