How Blockchain Can Make Transactions More Transparent and Safe

By | 2019-11-27T21:27:39+00:00 October 24th, 2018|Emerging Tech - AR, Cloud, Blockchain|

Blockchain is both private and secure at the same time. That may seem like an oxymoron, but it’s quite attainable. That’s why blockchain is the technology of the future. Many are looking toward tomorrow in the hopes that […]

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The Evolution of Artificial Intelligence in Automated Interviews

By | 2018-08-17T14:16:34+00:00 July 20th, 2018|AI, NLP, Machine Learning, Emerging Tech - AR, Cloud, Blockchain|

An emerging trend in recruiting is the rise of automated interviewing, including the integration of artificial intelligence technology. This transition is a boon for the largely outdated recruiting industry. AI components allow companies to easily sift through dozens (or hundreds) […]

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Staffing and Recruitment in the Blockchain World – Process Improvements and Efficiencies

By | 2018-07-20T20:38:30+00:00 January 15th, 2018|Emerging Tech - AR, Cloud, Blockchain|

This paper discusses the practical application of Blockchain to a specific set of business processes relevant to the staffing and recruitment industry. Blockchain technology can be used to revamp the business processes and bring a high degree of efficiency to […]

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Can Computers Create Art?

By | 2018-08-06T21:30:04+00:00 January 15th, 2018|AI, NLP, Machine Learning, Emerging Tech - AR, Cloud, Blockchain|

This paper discusses whether computers, using Artifical Intelligence (AI), could create art. The first part concerns AI-based tools for assisting with art making. The history of technologies that automated aspects of art is covered, including photography and animation. In each […]

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Towards Trusted Social Networks with Blockchain Technology

By | 2018-07-20T22:47:51+00:00 January 14th, 2018|Emerging Tech - AR, Cloud, Blockchain|

Large-scale rumor spreading could pose severe social and economic damages. The emergence of online social networks along with the new media can even make rumor spreading more severe. Effective control of rumor spreading is of theoretical and practical significance. This […]

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Segment-based Methods for Facial Attribute Detection from Partial Faces

By | 2018-08-17T14:05:11+00:00 January 13th, 2018|AI, NLP, Machine Learning, Emerging Tech - AR, Cloud, Blockchain|

State-of-the-art methods of attribute detection from faces (like those used in Appliqant) almost always assume the presence of a full, unoccluded face. Hence, their performance degrades for partially visible and occluded faces. This paper discusses the use of a deep […]

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Bitcoin: A Peer-to-Peer Electronic Cash System

By | 2018-08-17T14:08:45+00:00 January 10th, 2018|Emerging Tech - AR, Cloud, Blockchain|

The paper that started the Blockchain (and Bitcoin) revolution – Satoshi Nakamoto’s original whitepaper lays out the concept in simple, concise terms. A must read for anyone trying to understand the phenomenon.

Click Here to Download Paper […]

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Collective Intelligence

By | 2018-01-16T19:59:28+00:00 December 16th, 2017|AI, NLP, Machine Learning, Data Science and Analytics, Emerging Tech - AR, Cloud, Blockchain|

As examples like Wikipedia, Google, and Linux illustrate, new information and communication technologies are now enabling dramatically new ways of connecting large numbers of people and computers to produce intelligent behavior. These new forms of “collective intelligence” are already having […]

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Conversational AI: The Science Behind the Alexa Prize

By | 2018-01-16T20:03:00+00:00 December 12th, 2017|AI, NLP, Machine Learning, Emerging Tech - AR, Cloud, Blockchain|

Much work remains in the area of social conversation as well as free-form conversation over a broad range of domains and topics. To advance the state of the art in conversational AI, Amazon launched the Alexa Prize, a 2.5-million-dollar university […]

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