CMS Benefits Most Businesses: Here’s Why

By | 2018-10-11T17:38:17+00:00 October 16th, 2018|AI, NLP, Machine Learning|

Whether you’ve got a large company with dozens or hundreds of employees, or a smaller business that employs only a few other people, a content management system (CMS) makes life easier, more organized, […]

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Natural Language Processing for Dummies

By | 2018-09-13T14:51:11+00:00 September 20th, 2018|AI, NLP, Machine Learning|

Computers were invented to interact with humans. These machines have always functioned by receiving commands from a user and performing a task accordingly. In the past, those tasks were relayed through code, or in the case of […]

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Explaining Artificial Intelligence to Your Teenager

By | 2018-09-13T15:10:14+00:00 September 12th, 2018|AI, NLP, Machine Learning|

Although it’s an older movie, a lot of teens have seen The Terminator and know what happens if you’re busy playing video games instead of preparing for SkyNet. That world’s AI isn’t too […]

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What is Machine Learning and How Will It Impact Business?

By | 2018-09-06T13:15:24+00:00 September 6th, 2018|AI, NLP, Machine Learning|

It’s a bit difficult to narrow down one specific definition of machine learning (ML), because you’ll get a different explanation depending on whom you ask.

Nvidia defines it as “the practice of […]

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The Evolution of Artificial Intelligence in Automated Interviews

By | 2018-08-17T14:16:34+00:00 July 20th, 2018|AI, NLP, Machine Learning, Emerging Tech - AR, Cloud, Blockchain|

An emerging trend in recruiting is the rise of automated interviewing, including the integration of artificial intelligence technology. This transition is a boon for the largely outdated recruiting industry. AI components allow companies to easily sift through dozens (or hundreds) […]

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Can Computers Create Art?

By | 2018-08-06T21:30:04+00:00 January 15th, 2018|AI, NLP, Machine Learning, Emerging Tech - AR, Cloud, Blockchain|

This paper discusses whether computers, using Artifical Intelligence (AI), could create art. The first part concerns AI-based tools for assisting with art making. The history of technologies that automated aspects of art is covered, including photography and animation. In each […]

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Segment-based Methods for Facial Attribute Detection from Partial Faces

By | 2018-08-17T14:05:11+00:00 January 13th, 2018|AI, NLP, Machine Learning, Emerging Tech - AR, Cloud, Blockchain|

State-of-the-art methods of attribute detection from faces (like those used in Appliqant) almost always assume the presence of a full, unoccluded face. Hence, their performance degrades for partially visible and occluded faces. This paper discusses the use of a deep […]

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Multi-Scale Attention with Dense Encoder for Handwritten Mathematical Expression Recognition

By | 2018-08-17T14:08:07+00:00 January 11th, 2018|AI, NLP, Machine Learning, Content Mgmt and Publishing Tech|

Handwritten mathematical expression recognition is a challenging problem due to the complicated two-dimensional structures, ambiguous handwriting input and variant scales of handwritten math symbols. This paper discusses the attention based encoder-decoder model that recognizes mathematical expression images from two-dimensional layouts […]

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