How Can We Harness Marketing Strategies to Stem the Epidemics of Obesity and Dietary-Related Chronic Diseases?

By | 2018-01-16T19:59:49+00:00 December 3rd, 2017|Web Development, Marketing, SEO|Comments Off on How Can We Harness Marketing Strategies to Stem the Epidemics of Obesity and Dietary-Related Chronic Diseases?

Given the epidemics of obesity and dietary-related chronic diseases, this paper argues that we need to do more research in food retail outlets by creating embedded consumer behavior laboratories. The point of purchase is a critical moment in consumer behavior. Frequently, in ways people cannot readily recognize nor easily resist, they are influenced to buy and consume products that increase their risk of or exacerbate chronic diseases. Consumer behavior laboratories should be built in real- world, working retail settings to capture the influence of multiple cues and stimuli.

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