Education and Publishing Technology 2018-03-13T16:29:20+00:00
OSU - Student Data Analytics

Technology for Education and Publishing – Content Delivery, Editorial and Production Systems

Give your content the visibility it deserves

Quantilus is helping education and publishing companies make the leap as the publishing world moves from paper-based to digital-only content. Quantilus provides end-to-end Educational and Publishing solutions –building innovative content delivery apps, streamlining the author-editor workflows, designing content models/taxonomy, configuring and implementing CMS solutions, authoring and editorial systems.

Do you need immersive and adaptive apps for students? Are your CMS investments looking like a black hole? Is the automated workflow system you just implemented turning into an impediment to your production process? Are you struggling to put structured authoring and editorial systems in place? Is your offshore editorial and production process costing way too much and resulting in too many errors? We have solved these problems many times over and can do it for you.


Wiley Online Library - Content Delivery
Wiley Online Library – Digital Journals for Higher Education.
Wiley Online Library - Content Delivery
Wolters Kluwer - Content Management

Wolters Kluwer – CMS Solutions for Legal Content Publishing

Wolters Kluwer - Content Management
DASNY - Document Repository

Dormitory Authority of NY – Centralized Content Management Repository

DASNY - Document Repository
Triumph - Digital Learning Content

Triumph Learning – Learning Content and Interactive Assessments

Triumph - Digital Learning Content
Pearson System of Courses - K-12 Mobile App
Pearson System of Courses – Mobile Learning Platform for K-12 Classrooms
Pearson System of Courses - K-12 Mobile App
Edukate – Online Real-Time Video Tutoring Platform.
Morgan Stanley - Contract Management

Morgan Stanley – Contract Management and Workflow System

Morgan Stanley - Contract Management


Some of the frameworks and tools that our development teams have used recently. A list that grows by the day.


Relevant, interesting and current curated research content in the field.

Enterprise Content Management Systems for Publishing Solutions at State and Federal Government Agencies

January 16th, 2018|Categories: Content Mgmt and Publishing Tech|Tags: , , , , , , , , |

Federal and State government agencies looking for Publishing and ePublishing solutions frequently face similar issues. Our understanding of their requirements is based on many full lifecycle implementations, responses to multiple RFPs, presentations made at pre-solicitation conferences, and our discussions/demonstrations with some of the key stakeholders during the RFI stage of multiple solicitations. This paper considers and compares multiple content management solutions and tries to identify the best fit for the government agencies’ needs.

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Using Longitudinal Data Systems to Reexamine Timeless Problems

January 12th, 2018|Categories: Content Mgmt and Publishing Tech, Data Science and Analytics|Tags: , , , |

This is a proposed research approach that attempts to shed light on the cyclical nature of education problems and our inability to adequately address these problems. We continually examine bits and pieces of the education process to understand the whole. This paper suggests that the use of longitudinal data systems be utilized as a holistic approach to reexamine issues regarding the degree of efficiency of our schools. Specifically, addressing the dropout problem through intervention strategies that are implemented at the wrong time will never be successful. Using longitudinal data systems with complementary analysis techniques, such as survival analysis, may help resolve some of the questions that have plagued the American education system for the past century.

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Multi-Scale Attention with Dense Encoder for Handwritten Mathematical Expression Recognition

January 11th, 2018|Categories: AI, NLP, Machine Learning, Content Mgmt and Publishing Tech|Tags: , , |

Handwritten mathematical expression recognition is a challenging problem due to the complicated two-dimensional structures, ambiguous handwriting input and variant scales of handwritten math symbols. This paper discusses the attention based encoder-decoder model that recognizes mathematical expression images from two-dimensional layouts to one-dimensional LaTeX strings. The encoder is improved by employing densely connected convolutional networks as they can strengthen feature extraction and facilitate gradient propagation especially on a small training set.

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Stable and Efficient Structures for the Content Production and Consumption in Information Communities

January 10th, 2018|Categories: Content Mgmt and Publishing Tech|Tags: , , |

Real-world information communities exhibit inherent structures that characterize a system that is stable and efficient for content production and consumption. This paper studies such structures through mathematical modeling and analysis by formulating a generic model of a community in which each member decides how they allocate their time between content production and consumption with the objective of maximizing their individual reward. The community system is defined as “stable and efficient” when a Nash equilibrium is reached while the social welfare of the community is maximized. The analysis results show that the structure with “a small core of celebrity producers” is the optimally stable and efficient for a community – this provides possible explanations to the sociological observations such as “the Law of the Few” and also provides insights into how to effectively build and maintain the structure of information communities.

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