Analytics, Visualization, Reporting 2018-03-13T16:28:47+00:00
Quantilus Analytics and Visualization

Analytics, Visualization and Reporting – Data Warehousing, Business Intelligence and Big Data

Turn Your Data into Opportunities

Your data is your business. But it’s a challenge to make use of all the unstructured information that’s available to your company—whether it’s internal data such as emails and click streams, or data that originates outside your organization, such as photos and social media content. Quantilus can help you collect, organize, and analyze this trove of information so you can make better business decisions. With a plan in place, you can discover connections among disparate streams of information. From there, you’ll be in a position to:

  • Increase your competitiveness
  • Gain new insights into your customers and industry
  • Adapt more quickly to changing business environments

We’re experts at sifting through large volumes of data to find the hidden connections that you can turn into opportunities. We use our deep industry experience to create models to help you spot trends, identify hidden relationships, and find new insights to create more value for your business.


SA Global - Social Media Popularity Scoring

SA Global – Celebrity Social Media Popularity Scoring

SA Global - Social Media Popularity Scoring
OSU Student Analytics

Ohio State University – Student Performance Analytics

OSU - Student Performance Analytics Dashboard
Market Research Data Visualization

OSG – Market Research Data Visualizations

Market Research Data Visualization
Bed Bath Beyond - Centralized Customer Database and Reporting

Bed Bath and Beyond – Centralized Customer Database and Reporting

Bed Bath Beyond - Centralized Customer Database and Reporting
NYMAGIC - Claims Analytics for Marine Insurance

NYMAGIC – Claims Analytics for Marine Insurance

NYMAGIC - Claims Analytics for Marine Insurance


Some of the frameworks and tools that our development teams have used recently. A list that grows by the day.


Relevant, interesting and current curated research content in the field.

Using Longitudinal Data Systems to Reexamine Timeless Problems

January 12th, 2018|Categories: Content Mgmt and Publishing Tech, Data Science and Analytics|Tags: , , , |

This is a proposed research approach that attempts to shed light on the cyclical nature of education problems and our inability to adequately address these problems. We continually examine bits and pieces of the education process to understand the whole. This paper suggests that the use of longitudinal data systems be utilized as a holistic approach to reexamine issues regarding the degree of efficiency of our schools. Specifically, addressing the dropout problem through intervention strategies that are implemented at the wrong time will never be successful. Using longitudinal data systems with complementary analysis techniques, such as survival analysis, may help resolve some of the questions that have plagued the American education system for the past century.

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Using New Data Analysis Techniques to Understand Information Flows

January 12th, 2018|Categories: Data Science and Analytics|Tags: , , |

Information flows motivate key questions in the major social sciences. The movement of social activity to the Internet means that it is now possible to study information flows directly in a much more systematic fashion than before – data on many forms of social interaction is readily available in machine-readable format. This White Paper proposes a two-stage program to develop new tools in conjunction with pilot initiatives studying information flows, and then apply them more broadly. It then outlines how these methods and data might be applied to three major problems spanning different social sciences – collective cognition, frames and mobilization, and political polarization – and concludes by discussing the policy benefits of better analysis.

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Discovering Internet Marketing Intelligence through Online Analytical Web Usage Mining

January 2nd, 2018|Categories: Data Science and Analytics|Tags: , , , |

This paper explores innovative techniques for combining data mining techniques in order to discover actionable marketing intelligence for ecommerce sites. The techniques combine online analytical mining with web usage mining approaches in order to provide personalization, adaptation, customization, profiling, and recommendation data.

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Collective Intelligence

December 16th, 2017|Categories: AI, NLP, Machine Learning, Data Science and Analytics, Emerging Tech - AR, Cloud, Blockchain|Tags: , , |

As examples like Wikipedia, Google, and Linux illustrate, new information and communication technologies are now enabling dramatically new ways of connecting large numbers of people and computers to produce intelligent behavior. These new forms of “collective intelligence” are already having significant economic, social, and political effects, and their effects are likely to be even more transformational in the coming decades. Understanding these possibilities is one of the most important challenges—and opportunities—facing the social, behavioral, and economic sciences today.

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